Looking to kickstart your journey to better health? Health coaches can speed up your progress and get you closer to your goals.

Find the perfect coach by asking the right questions so you can make a decision you feel great about.

After all, you want to be sure you're investing your time, energy, and money wisely.

How do health coaches help people improve their health? 

A health coach is a trained professional who listens as you self-discover your own best health practices and (this is KEY!) “holds the pattern of what you could be until you own it” (Dr. Christiane Northrup).

A health coach helps you reconnect with your own inner intelligence and offers support to keep you on the path to vibrant health.

How to find your “right” health practices

There is an infinite amount of information available on diet and lifestyle that claims to be THE answer to health, longevity, and other sensational assertions.

The truth is there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all diet, exercise, or lifestyle plan. Friends and family can be well-meaning in their efforts to support you on a path to wellness but can often unintentionally sabotage you (not to mention any of your own self-defeating thought patterns!).

You are unique and a health coach will guide you to find the key to unlocking your vitality and zest for life!

You can find what is right for you

Many imbalances can be gently coaxed into balance with interventions such as diet and exercise – all that is required is your intention and attention to your personalized health considerations.

Health Coaches are NOT a replacement for regular medical care. They provide supportive life-style and behavioral change, complementing other health professionals in maintaining and increasing health and vitality in your life.

“When athletes want a competitive edge, they hire a private coach to monitor their progress. When it comes to your health, using this mindset could also be beneficial... In some ways, the health coach picks up where your physician left off, helping you implement wellness strategies suggested after a check-up or diagnosis.” – Dr. Andrew Weil

Get healthy solutions

As a Nurse Practitioner and nurse for over 25 years, I’ve seen plenty of people with chronic illnesses, many of which may have been avoided with a few lifestyle interventions. It breaks my heart to see people who have the potential to improve but don’t seem to have the resources within them to want to change. They view change as too hard and sadly settle for lives that are medicated in order to prolong their lives.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

I’m a Certified Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) Health Coach. This means I participated in a year-long study of over 100 dietary theories and coaching techniques to help you meet and exceed your health goals.   IIN is the world’s largest Nutrition School.

I’m intrigued by integrative and functional medicine. Healing takes place when body, mind, and spirit are assessed and treated as interrelated systems. 

My passion is providing healthy solutions for people who want to improve their health and increase their energy levels. My healthcare teaching background and experience with adult education ensures the information you receive is factual and actionable.

Finding the right fit

Hiring a health coach is a GREAT way to fast-track your progress to get the result you're looking for. 

But, finding the right coach or program can feel a bit intimidating when you're just starting out on your wellness journey. You need to know the right questions to ask to make an informed decision. You want to be confident you're making a good investment of your time, energy, and money.

Discover how to find the right health coach for you:

  • Learn the 7 questions to ask first to confidently hire a coach. 
  • Separate the fads and trends from what really works.
  • Get motivated to make the kinds of changes you're looking for.
  • Find the right coach to give you laser focus on your goals.
  • Download your FREE copy of the Ultimate Guide For Hiring a Health Coach.

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There are MANY wellness programs and books out there, filled with different techniques – and some of them require buying a lot of expensive products.

Everyone’s got a plan … and everyone thinks THEIR plan is the best. It can be confusing to know what to do!

You can make an informed choice of what's best for YOU and get the results you're aiming for!

Get the Guide, read it through. Make a list of the questions that are important to you. Interview at least 2-3 coaches before you make your decision. Almost all coaches offer a free introductory call. Get the personalized attention you deserve - and need to reach your goals.

Find the right coach who will take time to get to know you, your likes and dislikes. When a coach “gets” you and understands what you’re working toward, you can become unstoppable!

Are you willing to make an investment in YOU, your GOALS and and GET RESULTS? Your health and wellness definitely are worth it!

Ready to get started? Schedule your FREE call below.

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