Make a real change

Upgrade your healthy habits with the Ultimate Habit Checklist & Mini-Guide!

If you've been putting your goals last on your endless to-do list, you're in the right place!

You want to feel and look better, have more energy, less fatigue, and get better sleep. You know you need to get more exercise, eat a healthy diet. You want less stress and more balance.  

Do you feel overwhelmed with too much information and unable to even start or once you do, feel unable to keep going?

You know what to do but need a plan and a strategy to reach your health goals and finally feel lighter, well-rested, energetic, de-stressed, able to make healthy choices consistently.

I understand the challenge of trying to make healthy changes by yourself. I've been there and assure you there is a way to achieve your goals!

How to get started with Healthy Habits


First, decide on a goal for your health. It can be get better sleep, improve your health numbers, change your diet, get more exercise. Anything that you believe will more your health forward.


After you've narrowed down your goal, you'll want to take a look at your daily habits. Make a list of the things you do daily that either move you closer to your goal or take you away from achieving success.


Make a fresh start by overhauling your environment to set yourself up for success! The course, Kitchen Pantry Cleanout is designed to get you started letting go of the old and bringing in the new.


If you've been setting the same goal without results and are committed to finally achieving success, then consider applying for a consult with a certified health coach.  If not now, when? It's the start that stops most people!

Welcome to Pure Healthy Solutions

Solutions for your healthy life!

For the past 10 years, Pure Healthy Solutions has been providing healthy solutions for people who want to improve their health and energy levels.

You want the highest level of health and energy so you can live life to the fullest, right?

You want better numbers on your scale and in your health care provider's office- like blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, waist circumference, as well as your weight.

Every day people struggle to overcome health problems that could improve with a shift in lifestyle.

Most people recognize they need to change their diet and lifestyle to help lower their blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, or improve their blood sugar but they don't have the tools they need to move the numbers in the right direction.

Year after year, their stats stay the same or worsen. Weight stays the same or more defeating, more weight is added. Blood pressure increases, then medication is indicated to control the numbers. And so on.

You want reliable information and support without gimmicks or hype, right?

We understand the difficulty of trying to make healthy changes to diet and lifestyle on our own. That's why we want to help you become the healthy person you want to be!

Whether you want to improve your health numbers, improve your energy levels, lose weight, or change health habits to reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases, Pure Healthy Solutions will be a guide at your side on your path to health and vitality.

Get Started

What are your biggest challenges in reaching your goals?

It's good to know small changes stick. Every little bit counts.

Begin with writing down your goals.

(you'll have a better chance at reaching your goals if they're written down!)

Be committed. Do whatever it takes: rearrange schedules and priorities to make it happen.

Be generous with yourself. Take time for YOU. Today is the best day to start!

Change Your Strategy to Reach Your Goals!

The solution is simple, but it's not easy. Lasting change takes time and persistence. This is much easier with a guide by your side to support you every step of the way. 

Apply for a FREE Health Coach Call today. Then, relax because you've taken the first important step: getting started. Stop feeling like you're alone and instead get ready for transformation!

Improve Your Health With Daily Habits

Your metabolism includes all the bodily processes that convert food into energy that fuels your body. The rate at which these processes occur depends on many factors, from genetics to diet.

Although you can't control all of these factors, there are many things that you can do to support your metabolism and boost your metabolic rate. Here are some daily habits that you can implement to support your metabolism.

The Ultimate Habit Checklist & Mini Guide

Your HABITS are what make all the difference! The habits you keep will make or break your success.

They can either set you up for success or keep you “stuck” in a never-ending loop of frustration (and no one wants that). It’s time to break the cycle …

And it’s actually a LOT easier to establish healthy habits than you think!  All you need to do is follow a proven SYSTEM! The SYSTEM you need is inside the Guide.

Start Somewhere...

Declutter your environment to get started with healthy habits and gain momentum.

In just 5 quick and easy lessons inside the Pantry Cleanout Course, you'll:

  • Identify which items belong in your pantry
  • Which items do not belong
  • WHY they don't belong
  • HOW to replace them with healthy choices
  • Includes recipes, guides and lists

Get Better Sleep

When it comes to feeling your best, start with better sleep!  Without good quality rest, your vitality suffers. 

Getting sleep is essential to good health. Are you tired of not falling or staying asleep?  Imagine how great you'll feel after mastering your sleep cycle!

You want to wake up every morning feeling refreshed and revitalized, ready to take on the day!

Get Better Sleep tonight!

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about Pure Healthy Solutions...


Who is Pure Healthy Solutions?

Pure Healthy Solutions provides factual and actionable information for people who want to improve their health and energy levels. Written and developed by a nurse practitioner with healthcare teaching experience, Pure Healthy Solutions has resources for getting started, gaining momentum, and sustaining healthy habits.

We all want to have more energy to enjoy our lives. Having less stress, more energy, and your HEALTH will allow you to pursue the things that are really important!

Making gradual, lifelong changes enables you to reach your health goals and stick to them! By working together, we can discover food and lifestyle choices that best support you!

What does Pure Healthy Solutions offer?

Our mission is to help you discover your healthiest, happiest self.

You're here because you want a reasonable and practical way to stay healthy and fit for life. You likely already have a lifestyle that includes whole, natural food and exercise. You DON’T want extra supplements or powders or someone to sell you the latest and quickest "fix". You DO want to experience the best version of yourself but recognize the time and effort involved!

If you want to know more about healthy lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of disease and fine-tune your already healthy life, you're in the right spot. Pure Healthy Solutions offers solutions for your healthy life.  Follow the steps below to get started. 

  1. Get started with goal setting, determining your baseline, tracking, and inner/outer detox.
  2. Gain momentum with habits, sleep, journaling, self-care, and exercise.
  3. Sustain your progress with mindset, philosophy, legacy, emotional intelligence, and gratitude.
  4. Optimize your health with foods that fit your unique constitution.

How can Pure Healthy Solutions help?

Discovering what nourishes you can be challenging but is much easier with support.

If your life is currently disrupted with health concerns like poor sleep, lack of energy, not enough exercise, too much weight, too much stress, and no clear plan to reach your health goals - Pure Healthy Solutions can help.

Not a replacement for regular medical care, Pure Healthy Solutions can guide you toward optimization of your energy and your health by:

  • Exploring your health goals with empathy and understanding.
  • Defining problems, concerns, and needs.
  • Mutually designing a plan of action putting your knowledge, skills, and abilities first.
  • Rewarding progress with encouragement and recognition.

The best way to develop healthy habits so you can experience vibrant health is to begin with your baseline, set goals, track your progress, then acknowledge your successes. Learn, explore, implement, and engage. Your future self will appreciate what you've done for your body and mind now.


When do courses start and finish?

Courses start upon your enrollment and continue for the life of the course. You may complete the course at your own pace and return to it anytime. Take as long as you like with each module.

How long do I have access to courses?

Access to each module is available when you enroll. The modules should be accessed sequentially, one after the other with time between for implementation of what you have learned. Courses are self-paced with recorded audio, video, and written content. There are activities, lecture notes, handouts, and activities to complete. The course will be accessible as long as the course is active.

Where do I find courses?

Courses are available on the website when published. Go to Healthy Habits School on Teachable to learn more.


What is a health coach?

A health coach is a professional who partners with you to map out your health goals and creates plan to reach those goals. Health coaches listen to your challenges and guide you toward personalized practices on your path to vibrant health. They provide an important role in helping you stay accountable to your plan, until you are ready to hold your own.

Health coaches are not a replacement for regular medical care. Your health coach works with the recommendations of your healthcare provider. Consult with your healthcare provider before implementing changes to your lifestyle and diet.

Pure Healthy Solutions does not address specific diseases such as digestive disorders, eating disorders, and endocrine disorders that are better handled by a specialist - but addresses general symptoms that can be managed with the integration of lifestyle modifications.

Why health coaching?

Health coaches empower others with guidance, inspiration, and support and are a vital resource for creating and sustaining healthy lifestyle changes.

There are good reasons to work with a health coach, but before you decide, be sure you have a clear idea of what you are truly looking for and what kind of results you want to achieve.

For example:

  • Do you have a specific health goal you want to address?
  • Would you benefit from coaching sessions to keep you on track with your progress?
  • Do you need motivation to increase flexibility, strength, or endurance?
  • Are you struggling to balance caring for yourself with other demands in your life (work, home, etc.)?
  • Are you looking for guidance to build healthy habits into your daily routine?
  • Are you experiencing stress and need more balance in your life?
  • Do you want guidance on where to start when it comes to wellness?

Working with a health coach is one way to fast-track your progress to get the results you’re looking for safely, quickly, and more enjoyably. Your coach is your guide by your side to hold the pattern for what health goals you want to achieve and show you the roadmap of how to maintain your course.

How does coaching work?

Finding exactly the right coach or program for YOU can be confusing. It can also feel intimidating, especially if you’re just starting your wellness journey!

What questions should you ask? How do you make an informed decision? How do you know if you’re making a worthwhile investment of your time, money, and energy?

Maybe you’ve tried diets and exercise, meditation and gratitude journaling, supplements and cleanses but nothing seemed to move the needle forward so you can have more energy, less exhaustion, and better sleep.

When you're feeling this way, it's hard to reach out for help. You may be thinking, what's the use? Or will it be one more thing on your to-do list? Relying on do-it-yourself solutions does not always get to the root (or source) of your concerns. The solution is simple, but it's not easy.

You're not alone! You just need a strategy, guidance, and support. 

Let Pure Healthy Solutions set you up for success using a personalized, holistic strategy to get you back on track!

Here's how:

  1. Get Started. Your first virtual appointment is where we’ll identify your “why” and set SMARTER goals personally designed to jump-start your transformation.
  2. Gain Momentum. You’ll be all set to reach your goals with habit stacking and tracking.
  3. Take Action. We'll have "just-in-time" coaching to ensure you'll begin feeling better right away.
  4. Sustain Progress. Then, we'll book your follow-up virtual appointments to keep the momentum, track progress, support a positive mindset, and hold you accountable to reach your goals.

Are you a self-starter, an independent learner, or prefer do-it-yourself plans? Do you prefer personal attention in a one-on-one consultation or do you thrive with group support? 

Perhaps you’re not ready for change yet and are “just looking”. No worries! There's much here to explore.

Either way, I hope you find useful information here. If you have any questions, reach out to me at beth [at]


Book Your Coaching Call!

Your first call is 100% free. Click the button below to get started!