6-Week Total Body Transformation Challenge

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About "6-Week Total Body Transformation Challenge"

Picture Yourself 6 Weeks From Now

How do you want to feel?

Healthy, energetic, mentally clear?

The Transformation Challenge is an effective way to get you to where you want to be.

In preparation, start with the following steps:

  • Step 1: Decide what you want.
  • Step 2: Write it down.
  • Step 3: Get your baseline - pictures, measurements.
  • Step 4: Imagine how you will feel in 6 weeks when you start today.
  • Step 5: Join the Transformation Challenge!

The Transformation Challenge is the best place to begin.

You can do this - I KNOW you can!

I'll see you inside,


6-Week Total Body Transformation Challenge

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Lesson 1:  Who Is This For?

This is for you if you want a step-by-step way to transform your unhealthy eating patterns into healthy ones and lose weight in the process. Unlike the other programs you've seen, the 6-WeekTransformation Challenge supports you every step of the way with recipes, meal plans, shopping lists, and coaching - everything you need to succeed.

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A complete system to achieve your goals in just 6 weeks! You'll get more than 60 recipes, done for you shopping lists and menus, guides, worksheets to track your progress, and much more. Plus, weekly check-ins from your coach to keep you on track so you never feel behind. Click the Start button below for all the details!

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Lesson 3:  Getting Started

The best way to get started is to be prepared. Find out when the Challenge starts up!

About the Teacher


Beth is a Nurse Practitioner, the founder of Pure Healthy Solutions, LLC, and an Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.You are taking your first step toward a healthy life. Let me help you become the healthy person you want to be!

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