woman eating healthy food

Here's what you'll find inside the Transformation Challenge:

  1. 6-Weeks of Dietician-Approved Meal Guides: You’ll get 6 weeks of done-for-you meal guides that are 100% Dietician Approved. 
  2. 6 Weekly Print-&-Go Grocery Lists: Each week will come with a complete grocery list that you just have to print and take with them to the grocery store! Or better yet, download them to your phone and carry them with you!!
  3. Complete Success Manual: You’ll get a 30+ page success manual that is designed to educate you about nutrition and how to live a healthy lifestyle. This is loaded with success tips and strategies to help you get the best results possibl
  4. Over 60 Delicious & Easy to Make Recipes: Complete Recipe Guide filled with whole-foods based, incredible recipes like The World's Best Turkey Chili, Chicken Sausage & Peppers, Baked Halibut with Citrus Salsa, Cinnamon & Chia Blueberry Smoothie, and a lot more!
  5. Motivational & Inspirational Check-ins: You’ll be motivated to stay on track with your goals during the weekly check-in calls (recorded). 
  6. "Dining Out" Swap Guide: Get the tools you need to be successful when you go out to eat! This dining out swap guide will show you how to turn any restaurant menu item into a delicious, healthy, and challenge-friendly alternative.
  7. Challenge Measurement Worksheet: Measurement tracker so you can quickly and easily see your results.
  8. Goal-Setting Worksheet: Get focused and educated on the RIGHT way to set goals that will help set you up for success!
  9. Complete Getting Started Checklist: This checklist will outline everything you need in order to set yourself up for success over the 6-week challenge! It covers everything from setting aside time to grocery shop and meal prep.
  10. PLUS other bonuses are waiting for you inside.


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Join our private membership for motivation, accountability, healthy recipes, tips, and more -- all designed to help you raise the bar on your health and fitness goals. 

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